目前分類:高靈 (99)

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a constant dance with the energies of life around you. You are all empathic beings, capable of feeling anything you tune into. You can feel the feelings of others. You can feel the resonance of life around you. You intuitively understand what frequencies are compatible with you in a given moment and which are not.


If you are happy and having a beautiful day, you might still run into an angry person, but if they don't match any frequencies within you, they won't disturb you. They're not compatible with your loving vibration and can't drag you down. You'll have compassion, look at them curiously, or simply decide to avoid them.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

One of the questions we hear most often in heaven is,"Why do bad things happen to good people?""Why do God and the angels not intervene and save people from the cruelty of others?""Why does God not destroy those who wish to destroy others?"


These are questions worth asking because the answer will carry you beyond the world of your conditioning and into the energetic reality that governs how your universe operates.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We're going to tell you a little story, one most of you have heard. We are not sharing from any sort of religious perspective because in the heavens, we are all religions, and we are none. We are pure love, sharing only love, and this, dear ones, is a love story.


A long time ago, a young man walked the earth. More purely than any before or after, he embodied God's love. His heart was pure. His words were kind, and his humor gentle. He had a gift for making furniture and making children laugh. He was kind to the women and respectful of the elders. He lived, breathed, preached, and shared God's love daily in the humblest ways. He amassed quite a few followers at a very young age. He performed what those around him called miracles. He fed the poor, helped the homeless, and admonished all around to put their love into action. Despite his great love for humanity, the fact that he was so beloved was perceived as a threat to those in"power"at the time.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You love your lovers of life! You love those who are true to themselves and in love with their own spirit. You adore your puppies, kitties, and innocent children who run up to show you their latest art. You love your authentic influencers who walk the talk and share from the heart. You love people who love what they’re sharing. You love people who love their own jokes even if you don't love their jokes!


When you are a lover of life—a person who often focuses on what they love about life—you can't help but attract others who do the same.

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Preparing for The Great Solar Flash — NATASHA SOL

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Greetings, my dear beloved children! Today we will turn to the next point of our “code” of communication between people in the space of the fourth dimension.Tenth. Relationships with older people.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Be very gentle with yourselves. Many energies are vying for your attention right now. What you focus on, whether positively or negatively, you empower. You cannot easily stay tuned to a radio station you hate while listening to the one you love. You cannot stay tuned to a radio station you love if you focus on the one you dislike.

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YouTube 連結:https://youtu.be/4SM999A72yw

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When the mind is cleansed, it becomes capable of reflecting the Self.
We all know that mirrors in our homes need to be cleaned frequently. But have you ever stopped to think about how important it is to clean the mirrors of your mind?

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宇宙不斷擴大的替代模式,科學家質疑黑暗能量的存在- 每日頭條



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你們地球上有句話我們很喜歡:"信念,就是相信看不見的東西。" 大多數人會同意這個定義。然而,只有很少人真正的理解其含義的深度,或其在創造你們的世界中的重要性。


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Abraham-Hicks in Chinese 亞伯拉罕說吸引力法則-人生的秘密
415、植物 - 它們是地球穩定的力量
YouTube 原文連結:https://youtu.be/UqKVpaMWboU

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Are you living in the real world? Are you living in the world of love, abundance, peace, joy, and harmony? Are you living in the world where the Source of all love and life wants to fulfill the essence of each and every desire in your heart?

Or are you living in the world created by those who have blocked the flow of love in their world a long time ago? Are you living in a world that you were conditioned to believe is real? Heaven and hell and every world in between exist simultaneously, in every single space and time.These are dimensions of awareness that exist at different frequencies, much as your different television and radio stations.You get to choose which one you attune yourselves to

In the middle of the Great Depression most would have said the"real world" was a dismal mess.Yet there were many thriving, in their own"realities." There were many who found opportunities to create work, employ others, and invest when stocks were low.In the middle of the pandemic, billions living in the"real" world agonized because their lives were interrupted, they were isolated, and scared.Yet there were also many of you who were relieved that you finally had time to yourselves, time to rest and time to rethink your lives.There are people at this moment, in war-torn countries, where bombs are going off in the"real" world, and yet they are living in love, laughing with their families, and living in a vibration completely apart from what is going on around them.To them, their world—the world of eternal love—is more real, than the world of war.

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我有自己的守護天使嗎?天使是什麼? 聖經學者大衛.耶利米回應關於天使的問題



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一切都與振動有關《光之服務者》 - 覺醒之光


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仙女座人仙女星系_360百科翻譯此網頁– Rzcpe



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揚升大師巴巴吉Babaji【8.5*11吋美國進口正版作品】 - 聖哲曼魔法屋


最終,一切都協調、平衡、符合神聖的秩序。在那之前,覺醒者保持清醒並繼續在內部成長是很重要的。 ...

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are rulers of a kingdom.Every one of you is sovereign over the fate of trillions of individual cells that live and breathe, eat, digest, metabolize, and create within you.Take a moment and see if you can imagine the vast populations of little tiny beings that make up the body you inhabit.Imagine them working together, signaling each other, taking in nourishment through their membranes, and releasing waste.Imagine the workers carrying the nutrients in the blood stream.Imagine the messengers in the nervous system carrying the guidance to each cell.

Imagine the communities of cells working together that comprise your beating heart.Image the kingdoms of cells within each of your lungs.When you get a scratch, the first responders are immediately working to patch it up.When you stub your toe, the entire system is alerted, controlling blood flow and signaling the need for repair.

You, the soul, live within kingdoms and communities of these tiny living beings.You, the soul, inhabit each one of them with your energy field, as surely as God inhabits you.You alone dear ones, with your free will, determine if these kingdoms receive the love and energy and resources they need—partially with your choices of food and environment, partially with your choices of exposure, but so much more powerfully with your choice of vibration.

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