【耶穌撒南達】20130927《你只是純粹的覺知意識》 (耶穌撒南達在'大轉變' 前的指示)
~~~透過 Elizabeth Trutwin傳導20130927
You Are Pure Consciousness A Message from Admiral Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 27, 2013
Posted by beth on September 28, 2013 at 6:00amView Blog
中文翻譯: 林琚月2030928
Greetings This is Admiral Sananda.
大家好! 這是銀河艦隊指揮官耶穌撒南達:
Since you are moments away from changes I would like to help you over the next few moments. Earth is past the point of no return and only fifteen years ago we still were not sure if it would be possible. This is a most joyous time for all the Company of Heaven. They look forward to landings on Earth because they have missed you all so much.
由於你們距離'大轉變' 只有一些時辰而已, 我想要幫助你們渡過未來的這一些時間. 地球已經超過迴轉線, (注: 事情已成定局, 已經無法改變了). 而才15年前--- 我們還無法確定這'地球大轉變' 是可能的. ~~~現在則是天堂公司裡所有的人最歡樂的時光了. 他們期待著降落在地球上, 因為他們非常想念你們.
Many lightworkers still feel trepidation with moving forward with removing the last triggers which take them into sorrow. Any trigger which invokes a reaction must be removed. I will show you how easy it can be.
許多光工仍然覺得焦躁不安--- 關於完成解除最後的那幾槍--- 那些讓他們憂慮的事. 任何製造出反應的事都必須移除. 我會讓你們看到這可以多簡單的做到.
You are Pure Consciousness.
Remember: You Are your First Creation of Plasma Pearlescent Ball of Light.
記住: 你就是你自己第一個創造出來的“等離子珠光光球”.
You are a Descendant Being. You are a Being in a Body for which You are Ascending.
Your Only Reason for Living is To Serve Others.
你是一個迴轉再來的存有. 你是一個在肉身中的存有~~而從那裡你正在揚升當中.
How to Become Enlightened? Remove every last bit of karma. It is time now. Right now.
現在正是時候. 就是現在.
How Do You Know you have Removed Your Karma? When you no longer react to anything. Nothing. Ever. That is the definitive way to know your karma is complete. When you find yourself react to anything realize it is never too late to clear it .
當你不再對任何事產生反應之後. 什麼也沒有. 再也不會了. 這是最確鑿的方法來知道你的業障已經完全了.
當你發現自己對任何事有反應時 ~~
If someone does something 'to you' see if you can meet it with no reaction - only love.
如果有人對你做了某些事 ---
看看自己是否能夠'不要有反應' 的面對---而只有'愛' 而已.
Since you are Pure Consciousness, then once you see that everything is a karmic event, everything, everything - and you return to love as your reply to any belief - including self-love - then you are Enlightened. Everything can be undone. Everything.
由於你只是純粹的覺知意識, 然後當你能看到所有事都只是一個'業障事件'時, 每一件事, 所有事--- 那你就迴轉到愛中~~~隨著你響應任何信念, 包括'自愛' 在內--- 那你就開悟了. 每一件事都可以被解除. 每一件.
Pure Consciousness is innocence.
'純粹的覺知意識' 是無辜的! 天真的!
Practice these: mantra, mudra and breath work
做這些練習: 唱誦咒語, 打手印, 以及做呼吸練習.
Doing Mantra undoes Karma. It burns it. It is magic. It connects us back to Source directly. The effect of that is burned karma and a fast track down the Path. Do mantra upon awakening, during hours of need and especially every bedtime. Begin with the Gayatri Mantra. Add new mantras after mastering this beginners Mantra.
唱誦咒語會解除業障. 它會燒毀它. 這是很神奇的.
早上醒來唱誦咒語, 需要協助時唱誦咒語, 特別是每晚睡覺前. 可以從Gayatri真言開始. 熟練這入門咒之後再增加新的咒語. (注: Gayatri真言為印度教的入門咒.)
(譯者RL注: 其實許多咒都是萬佛\諸佛同一咒, 心誠則靈. 小咒如六字真言:嗡嗎暱唄昧吽, 大咒如大悲咒, 金鋼薩鐸百字明咒…等---對消業障都很好. 而不會任何手印的人可以學西藏人的全身大禮拜--- 這也是一種身體的手印, 對消業障也都效果很好到奇效程度的法門.)
Doing Mudra is an exercise in understanding Energy outside of Form and a way to identify with the Source Energy. In this way we may Become Source. Do mudra fifteen minutes a day. Try cupping both hands at the throat. The throat mudra helps you receive all sources of abundance. You may do mudra and mantra together.
打手印是一個練習--- 協助了解形式之外的能量, 而且是與'源頭能量' 的通關方法. 用這方法我們可以'成為' '源頭'. 每天做十五分鐘的手印. 嘗試把雙手放在喉嚨上– 這個喉部的手印可以協助你接收到所有豐盛的來源. 你也可以同時做打手印與唱誦咒語.
Breath Work 做呼吸練習
When you are speaking to another person, the checker in the store, someone on the phone, your child, your parent, your partner; whenever any block comes up, or if a reaction to a circumstance is occurring, stop. Be still. Find where in the body do you feel the block. The neck? Back? Stomach? Breathe through it until the tension there is released.
當你與別人交談時, 店裡的收銀員, 在電話上, 你的小孩, 你的家長, 你的伙伴; 任何時候有任何阻礙發生時, 或是, 如果你正在對一個狀況做出反應, ---停下來! --- 安靜下來! ---從你的身體中去尋找你覺得有障礙之處. 是脖子? 背部? 肚子? 讓呼吸通過那個地方~~~直到壓力解除為止.
This is the key to releasing blocks. Learn to Let go of fear, hurt and pain - right in that moment of breath work - let it get bigger then watch it pass away - like water flowing through you. Put all your concentration on the body . Breathe into that place. Feel it as a cloud, see it coming up. Allow it to come over you. Be completely in the Body. Watch it move away.
這是釋放障礙的關鍵. 學習去釋放恐懼, 傷害, 以及痛苦--- 在你的呼吸練習之中--- 讓它變大, 然後觀看著它走開--- 就像水從你身中穿越流走一樣. 把你的注意力放在身體上. 呼吸入那個地方. 把它感覺成像一朵雲, 並看著它飄走. 允許它浮在你的上方. 要完全停留在你的身體裡. 看著它移走.
What if you are greatly suffering right now?
那麼, 假如你現在正在巨大的痛苦之中呢?
You are only suffering in your mind.
Dissolve ego mind. It no longer serves you.
消除你的小我心智. 那東西再也不適合你了.
Learn to Pray. Learn to Ask with your Whole Heart for Guidance. Learn to Obey Guidance. Learn To Be in Deep Gratitude. Practice. Practice. Practice.
學習去祈禱. 學習去全心的要求引導. 學習去服從引導. 學習停留在深刻的感恩之中. 練習. 練習. 再練習.
Use this meditation to prepare during these last few moments. Use this meditation as many times as you need to clear all remaining triggers. Be prepared when changes present themselves.
Join Me In Meditation:
Imagine yourself in a time and a place where you felt someone had 'done something to you.' Stand before this person. Know that by using this meditation anything that has been done can be undone. Absolutely everything can be Undone. Everything. Right now . You may reverse the scene if necessary.
想像你自己在一個地方和時間--- 是別人做了對不起你的事. 站在那人面前. 明白~~~透過使用這個冥想, 任何已經發生的事情~~~都可以被解除掉.絕對所有的事都可以被解除. 每一件事. 就在現在. 如果必要的話~~你還可以轉換場景.
(注: 21世紀新概念: 現在可以改變過去.)
Stand before someone you have 'done something to.' These things happened when you did not know what else to do. You did not have the experience to handle it a different way. We do not yell at small children when they have no idea how to tackle a problem. We would never do that.
站在某人面前~~ 是你做了對不起他的事. 這些事情發生在當你不知道還有任何其他方法之時所做的. 你沒有足夠的經驗來以另一個方法來處理它. 我們不會對小孩子吼叫~~當他們不知道如何去處理一個問題之時. 我們絕對不會這樣做.
Now in your meditation imagine yourself and the other person as five year old children. Look at yourself. Look at them, both in the form of little kids. They are both innocent. They do not know better. They have not learned yet how to handle themselves. It is easy to forgive another in this form.
現在, 在你的冥想中, 想像你自己和別人都是五歲的孩子. 看看你自己. 看看他們. 都是孩子樣. 他們都是無辜的. 他們不懂. 他們還沒學會如何去處理自己. 以這形式~~比較容易原諒別人.
Allow yourself to feel how it felt in that moment. See where you can feel it in your body now. Where do you feel your reaction? Your back, your stomach? Breathe. Allow the hurt to grow bigger and cover your whole body. Breathe through it. It will clear and be gone. Undone. It feels great to let this go. Work with this exercise and clear out all these old programs. You no longer need them. In the next few moments you will do well to have cleared them.
允許你自己去感受一下~~~那時感覺如何. 看看在你身體的現在, 你可以在那裡感覺到它? 你身體那裡有反應? 是你的背部? 還是肚子? 呼吸! 允許這傷害長大, 蓋住你的全身. 呼吸穿過它. 它很快就被清除而且不見了. 被解除了. 在讓它走後, 那感覺很棒, 是嗎? 多使用這練習來清除掉這些老程序設計. 你再也不需要它們了. 在接下來的時刻裡~~你會很慶幸你已經把它們清除乾淨了.
The Equinox energy continues to make it possible to move through inner change with great ease. Your DNA has been activated. The next step is to drop the programming and clear your karma. This empowers you to meet every challenge with love. Using these practices will help free your mind. It is amazing what can happen when you approach anything which used to cause fear with patience, compassion and love. It will change your whole existence.
這秋分的能量持續的讓你們能夠輕鬆的移動穿越完成內在的改變. 你的DNA已經被啟動了. 下一步就是解除你身上的'程序設計', 並且清除掉你的業障. 這可以增強你的能量來用愛來面對每一個挑戰. 使用這些練習可以協助你釋放你的心智. 這是很神奇的--- 當你用耐性, 同情心以及愛來面對任何在過去讓你害怕的事. ~~這會改變你整個的存在方式.
The energies of the Equinox have so dropped the walls of Illusion that the motivations of the dark Ones are obvious. This is making it easier to interact as part of the Whole. When we reject what we are told and see instead what is really happening then collective consciousness moves quickly along as an undivided unified Force of Love.
這秋分的能量也解除了幻覺的牆壁--- 讓大家看到了黑暗份子們的企圖心昭然若揭. 這讓所有的部份\小人物…等, 都可以互動出整體的運作. 當我們拒絕我們被告知(洗腦)的事情時, 而且開始看到在真實中正在發生的現實事情時, 這集體的覺知意識一起移動得很快~~~就像不可分割的'愛的力量' 一樣.
Continue to use this energy to speed individual changes. It is easier now than ever before.
It is time now to install Divine Government on Earth. Not for one Country but for Earth as a member of our Galactic Civilization. There are millions of awake and aware Galactic Humans working in the Ground Crew. Still there are many who see themselves as lightworkers and do not believe in NESARA Law. It has been a long road getting to this moment.
現在是時候來設立地球的'神聖政府' 了. 不只是為了一個國家, 而是為了地球~~做為我們銀河文明的一個會員. 目前有幾百萬已經覺醒, 而且清醒的銀河人類~~都在地面部隊中工作著. 但是仍然有許多自稱為是'光工' 的人, 可是卻不相信NESARA法令之存在.
(注: 終於要宣布了.)
As we lighten up our minds, bodies and emotional reactions it frees us to fully embrace Unity consciousness. That is what Divine Government does. It allows us to live as equals on Earth. No more haves and have nots. It makes a realm in the physical where everyone is treated as an equal. No more poverty consciousness. No more racism, sexism, ageism or other discrimination. We will operate from love. We will remember we all are sparks of the Divine. We will treat each other with respect.
隨著我們讓我們的心智和身體放輕鬆, 以及輕化原本會有的情緒反應~~這解放了我們而讓我們能夠擁抱我們聯合的覺知意識. ~~這就是'神聖政府'的工作.祂讓我們可以平等的居住在地球之上. 不再有貧富之分. 祂要在物質實相中創造出一種人人平等的境界. 再也不會有'貧窮意識'. 再也不要有種族歧視, 性別歧視, 年齡歧視, 或任何其他歧視. 我們會從愛中來運作. 我們會記得我們全都是'神聖的火焰'. 我們會用尊重來對待彼此.
As we pass through the eye of the needle, remember Universal Truth. When we detach from the desires of craving praise or glory, we scorn none, grieve not, allow evil to find their path without judging the way they go, free of fear, troubled not and linked by no ties on Earth. When we are unmoved by what we see, unmoved by each, have passionless restraint in single-minded faith, trust and love. We who are happy no matter what, loving life, move swiftly into Unity Consciousness achieving the Ultimate on Earth.
當我們穿越這'針眼' 的時候, 並記起了'宇宙真相'. 當我們從需要別人的讚美, 或是別人給的榮耀中解脫出來時, 我們不會責怪任何人, 不會讓任何人難看傷心, 我們會允許邪惡自己去找到他們的道路--- 而不去評論他們選擇的道路, 我們不會給出恐懼, 不會找任何人麻煩, 也沒有任何地球上的(潛規則或是黨團或是條件)限制要求. 當我們對於我們看到的事情再也無動於衷, 不再受人左右, 能夠擁有沒有任何'熱情限制'的單一信仰\信念和愛. '我們'~~這些無論如何都快樂的人, 熱愛人生的人, 會很迅速的移入'聯合的合一覺知意識' 之中--- 而達到地球上的極至最佳狀態.
This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 27, 2013.
這是耶蘇撒南達透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導20130927