

【傳 導】TheGolden Light
【翻 譯】shan-athana
【日 期】20160306
Meeting in Dreamtime by the Arcturians and We Are Here NOW Video;March 6, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel


humans frees themselves

By The Arcturians; More and more of you are awakening with vivid,yet quickly disappearing, messages from your nightly meetings indreamtime. These meetings are very real, but as soon as you awakenfrom your fourth dimensional dreamtime, your third dimensional selfwill quickly forget them.


Therefore, we advise that you keep a writing pad or means ofdocumentation next to your bed so that as you awaken you candocument these inter-dimensional meetings.


You must document these inner meetings almost immediately uponawakening, as your third dimensional brain is not yet trained tostore this frequency of information and will quickly forget themeeting that was initially very vivid and “ real. ”


We say “ real ” , meaning that when you first awaken, and/or slightlybefore you awaken, your third dimensional brain is able to storethese messages not as a “ dream, ” but as a “ real ” experience.Remember, your third dimensional brain is programmed to onlyperceive physical encounters as “ real. ”


因此在你四次元體驗中發生的經歷-- 阿爾法波意識會被你三次元的大腦認為是夢境或只是你的想像。幸運的是,你多次元意識會通過當下時刻與物質頭腦連接,提醒你“你感知的一切都是真實的”。
Hence, any experiences that occur within your fourth dimensional,alpha-wave consciousness are considered by your 3D brain to be “ adream ” or “ just your imagination. ” Fortunately, your ownmultidimensional consciousness, which is NOW interfacing with yourphysical brain, will remind you that, “ everything you perceive isreal. ”


無論如何,它可能還沒有共諧到你三次元-- 物質世界的頻率,你的冥想是真實的,你的白日夢是真實的,夜晚的夢是真實的,你的想像是真實的。
However, it may not resonate to the frequency of thethird-dimensional, physical world. Your meditations are real. Yourdaydreams are real. Your night dreams are real, and yourimagination is real.


You are NOW being called on to activate your entire physical body.By that we mean, you are being called upon to bring your “ wholebrain thinking, ” your dreams, day-dreams, and your power ofimagination, online with your third dimensional brain.


You may think that this information would be overwhelming, butplease remember that you have been “ brainwashed ” over myriadincarnations on Earth to believe that your perceptions were onlyreal if they resonated to the frequency of the thirddimension.


你的感知同樣與3D 現實一致時才會信以為真。這個物質大腦完美的接口系統原初的功用,在你在亞特蘭蒂斯後的多生中被洗腦後,才開始發揮作用。
Your perceptions were also considered “ real ” if they were “ OK ' d ” bythe 3D consensus reality. This primitive use of the wonderfulinterface system of your physical brain began when you were “ brainwashed ” during your lives in the later days ofAtlantis.


This brainwashing continued then during the long, dark ages, andeven into your “ modern ” world. The myriad churches that wereactually run by the Illuminati, as well as the many forms ofbrainwashing that given to you via your modern “ commercials ” hasbeen very affective.


這些商業宣傳通過各種形式-- 新聞媒體、路標和巨大的廣告牌在損害你的意識,告訴你如果想讓他人接受你甚至喜歡你,你需要去思索並採 ​​取行動。
These “ commercials, ” which inflict your consciousness from everyform of media, as well as road signs and huge billboards, tell youhow you need to think, act, and be if you want “ others ” to accept,or even like, you.


就象過去所說,這種形式的洗腦在亞特蘭蒂斯巔峰時開始啟用,之後造成了它的淪陷。那曾是四次元的世界,慢慢深深地陷入三次元的世界,這完全由於一種有害的思想-- 控制他人的權力,它在黑暗失去偉大的銀河大戰後被移植到地球。
As we said before, this type of brainwashing began after the peakof Atlantis when it was moving toward its fall. Atlantis had been afourth dimensional reality that slowly sank deeper and deeper intothe third dimension due to the malefic intentions of the “ powerover others ” that had immigrated to Earth after they lost the GreatGalactic War.


You, our dear ascending ones, are just NOW expanding yourconsciousness beyond the third dimensional beta waves. This betawave, third dimensional thinking, greatly limits your beliefs tothink that only the third dimensional, physical world was “ real ” and everything else was “ just your imagination. ”


However, more and more of you are expanding your wakingconsciousness to embrace the concept that the fourth dimensionalworld is “ not just a dream. ” You, the awakening ones, areincreasingly remembering the many messages that you are receivingand the experiencing that you are having in your dreamtime.


一旦你憶起這些內在體驗,你會意識到通過回憶或記錄你的夢境,你會從中獲得收益。一旦開始這個過程,你對“真實世界”的概念慢慢-- 或者快速地擴展到四次元。
Once you remember these inner experiences, you realize that thereis much to be gained by remembering and documenting your dreams.Once you begin this process, your conception of “ the real world ” slowly — or quickly — expands to include the fourth dimension.


It is at this point that you begin to remember your “ meetings indreamtime. ” We, the Galactics and Celestials who have extended ourmultidimensional essence to resonate within the bandwidth of yourfourth dimension, are happily greeting you within this frequency ofreality.


You can, and many of you do, communicate with us while you areawake and meditating. You can enter “ Dreamtime ” , and much higherworlds, via meditation. Furthermore, if you are meditating, ratherthan sleeping, there is part of your multidimensional self that candocument your experiences within the NOW that you are experiencingthem .


This documentation is vital, as your physical brain cannoteffectively store multidimensional messages. Fortunately, as youdocument your experiences, and especially if you share them, youground them into your physical world.


一旦在三次元落地,這些信息開始與無數三次元思想模式交互作用,這些三次元思維模式在物質世界就像病毒一樣浮現地你們眼前。在眾多方法中,3D 思維模式就像病毒感染著你們先天多次元的思維。
Once grounded into the third dimension, these messages begin tointeract with the myriad third dimensional thought forms thatinvisibly float through your physical reality like a virus. In manyways these 3D thought forms serve like a virus in that they “ infect ” your innate multidimensional thinking.


就是這個原因,失落的黑暗分子用無數3D 信息充斥了你們的世界,告訴你如果想要被接受,如果你想要足夠好,你一定要購買“事物”。
It is for this reason that the lost/dark ones have flooded yourreality with myriad 3D messages telling you that if you want to beaccepted, if you want to be “ good enough, ” you MUST buy this “ thing. ”


當然,你花費的金錢送給了那些應用“你不夠好”的恐懼控制你的人,這樣你才會把錢送給他們。當你把錢付給他們時,這是個雙刃劍,因為你沒有足夠的錢去支付個人、地方、公司和應用你的錢療愈他人和行星的環境(譯註:這是否說我們因恐懼而對那些所謂療癒者奉獻的金錢、或者建造各種店鋪讓別人購買其產品的人,仍在應用3D 的方式來收買地球靈魂,有待商榷,歡迎大家集思廣益。本人不發表言論,KEEPIN SILENCE 。)
Of course, the money that it costs you to buy this useless thingall goes to those who have used the fear of your not being “ goodenough ” so that you will give your money to them. This is adouble-edged sword because when you give you money to “ them, ” youdo not have enough money to give to the person, places,establishments, and situations that would use your money to healpersons and planet.


It is for this reason that we have taken the risk to have regularmeetings in the mid-to-higher fourth dimension, so that you canjoin us during your dreamtime. We say, “ taken the risk, ” becausethe fourth dimension to us is much like you being on the bottom ofthe ocean.


The fourth dimensional frequency is so dense to us that it feels asif the weight of an ocean is on us. Therefore, we take short shiftsand only remain at the frequency for a short amount of what youwould perceive as time.


We wish to congratulate you, our volunteers to Earth, for clearingup your own fourth dimensional auras, which serve to clean upGaia ' s fourth dimension aura, enough that we can briefly toleratethe density of the fourth dimensional aura of dear Gaia.


We are very pleased that many of our friends wearing earth vesselshave been able to educate more and more of our visitors to Earthwho became lost in the lies and illusions of the timeline of yourthird dimensional Earth.


【傳 導】TheGolden Light 【翻 譯】shan-athana 【日 期】

Meeting in Dreamtime by the Arcturians and We Are Here NOW Video;March 6, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel

Because so many of you have been able to awaken to your true,multidimensional nature you are able to consciously accept thehigher frequencies of light that are bathing dear Gaia to prepareHer for planetary ascension.

Those wearing an earth vessel NOW have the rare opportunity toparticipate in the impending event of planetary ascension. By“planetary ascension” we mean that Gaia is opening up Her fifthdimensional habitat zone for “conscious population.”

We say “conscious population” because many of you have beenvisiting fifth dimensional Earth, but do not remember thatexperience once you return to the limited perceptions of your thirddimensional earth vessel.

It is for this reason that we are visiting your dreams, just beforeyou are ready to awaken, in hopes that you will remember ourmeeting. We further hope that you doc​​ument our meeting and share itwith others. Be sure to remind those with whom you communicate toalso share their experiences.

Your commercials have trained you that you must hear the samemessage over and over again in slightly different ways before youcan determine that that message is “real” and not “just yourimagination.”

幸運的是,這個3D 的教條無法穿越障礙進入四次元思維模式,除非把自負極大程度地縮減。自負的意思是你們對自己的看法。
Fortunately, this 3D indoctrination does not cross the barrier overinto your fourth dimensional thinking unless your self-esteem hasbeen greatly weakened. By “self esteem,” we mean the esteem inwhich you hold your self.

Many of our “Meetings in Dreamtime” have been focused on remindingyou that you are held in great “esteem” by your Galactic Family forall that you have done to assist Gaia with Her planetaryascension.

如何想起你們從夢中會晤中剛剛醒來?你很可能憶起我們在你剛剛醒來時與我們馬上相遇,但我們的信息在你們3D 的意識中太容易轉瞬即逝了。
How do you remember that you have just awakened from a meeting indreamtime? You will likely remember our meeting immediately uponyour awakening, but our message is too often very fleeting to yourthird dimensional consciousness.

Therefore, when you awaken with a dream in your mind: immediatelyclose your eyes again before you fully awaken.

Then, relax into the feeling of being in both your dream world andyour physical world.

讓夜晚的旅程的場景與你3D 的記憶共舞。
Allow images of your nightly journey to dance with your 3Dmemory.

Go into a meditative state in which you are not asleep, but notfully awake.

在這個狀態中,你可以恢復重要的更高次元信息,而你的3D 頭腦卻認為是夢。
In this state, you can often recover the important higherdimensional messages that your 3D brain has interpreted as “just adream.”

Once you recapture that dream:

Step into the dream and tell your self the dream with your eyesclosed.

When you tell your self your dream, you transfer the dream fromyour fourth-dimensional dream reality and into yourthird-dimensional conscious thinking.

Then, when you open your eyes:

Immediately reach for the pad and pen that is always stored next toyour bed.

And quickly write down everything that you can remember. If youslip back into sleep, it is likely to assist you to remember yourdreamtime message. Hence, be sure to tell yourself the dream, andimmediately write it down.

With practice, you will tr​​ain your third dimensional waking brainto remember your dreams longer, and/or to remember the shortpicture or message that flew through your awareness at the momentof your awakening.

This short picture or message is telling you, “This is aninter-dimensional message that you will want to remember in yourwaking life.” As you follow the above process, you will begin tomore vividly and more often remember your dreams.

You will also be able to remember your dreams for a longer time, sothat you can get to your computer to type them. If you have a dailymeditation practice, even if it is only for a few minutes, you willbe more able to remember your dreams .

Remember that daily meditations expand your conscious perceptionsinto higher and higher frequencies of reality.

As your daily states of consciousness expand into higher and higherdimensions,your experiences of daily life will change.

Then, your priorities will shift from day-to-day survival to theongoing process of planetary ascension.

有越來越多的地面人員已經從3D 的生存生活方式轉向5D 的揚升過程,他們所有人的發現是”你想什麼,就會得到什麼。“
There are more and more grounded ones who have made this shift awayfrom 3D survival and into 5D ascension. What they are alldiscovering is that, “What you think about, you bring about.”

因此,如果你一直想著3D 會發生的可怕事件,那麼你在把自己吸引到這些體驗當中。反之,如果思索行星揚升,你會把意識調整到多次元自我。
Therefore, if you think about all the horrible things that canhappen in your 3D world, you actually serve to calibrate yourattention to those experiences. On the other hand, if you thinkabout planetary ascension, you calibrate your consciousness to yourMultidimensional SELF.

With your focus on your Multidimensional SELF, you are in constantcommunication with the higher frequency perceptions of your ownHigher SELF.

那麼,當那些進入 ​​物質世界的人們每天為接收到的無數負面和控制信息擔憂的時候,而你正在關注更高次元的現實,它不斷整合進你的日常3D 生活當中。
Then, while those who can only attend to the physical world worryabout the myriad negative and controlling messages that theyreceive every day, you are focusing on the higher dimensionalreality that is continually merging with your daily, 3D life.

Via this higher dimensional focus, you will gain more and moreinformation about the developing multidimensional reality that youare visiting during your dreams, meditations, creative endeavors,and conversations with others who have also embraced their higherdimensional SELF and higher dimensional PERCEPTIONS.

那些仍然在3D 或四次元次級世界固步自封的人們正在不斷受到驚嚇、憤怒、不定和迷惑。
Those who keep their perceptions pinned to the third dimensionaland lower fourth dimensional versions of reality are becomingincreasingly frightened, angry, erratic, and confused.

On the other hand, those who have embraced their higher dimensionalexperiences as “real events” that are occurring in the “realworld,” are becoming calmer, more centered and increasinglydedicated to assisting Gaia with Her process of PlanetaryAscension.

Gaia is a free will planet. Which reality do you choose?

Meeting in Dreamtime by the Arcturians and We Are Here NOWVideo

March 6, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel

By Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.,
Meeting In Dreamtime

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