【昴宿一元體阿達姆】20160825(第二部分Can you begin to see how iniquitous this is?)政治全貌-正在到來的金融重置-美國大選

Can you begin to see how iniquitous this is? They collude with themselves to make loans out of fresh air … making up numbers as they go… and you, the people of the nation, must, by the sweat of your brow, labour to repay those loans! The vast majority of your annual taxation goes to just this: repaying that loan. Each year, you personally give a huge chunk of your income directly to the Red Shield banking families. And the system is rigged such that your nation can never, ever repay that loan. The debt simply balloons . Year by year the debt ceiling is pushed higher, as ever greater loans are made ​​to service past loans with interest and a little more for the running of the nation.

So, this is the second fact: your currency is created, really, by the Red Shield banking families in collusion with themselves. They create it out of nothing. The Fed has no collat​​eral at all to back the loan and the Red Shield banks have no gold, silver or any other thing of value to back the currency they issue as a consequence of the loan. It's just… made up. Meaningless numbers sucked from their thumbs. They shake their own hands, agree with themselves… which instantly makes them more money than you can imagine.

And you then slave away to exchange your life-energy for this fiction. This created currency. You give your time, energy, effort and creativity for this fable.

And because the Fed must loan more money each year to service last year's debt, more money is created out of nothing each year. This means, directly, that the currency you are holding becomes worth less and less each year. That is called inflation. Which is a lie. Nothing is inflating. Prices are not going up. Your currency is just worth less because more currency has been created. So you get poorer each year. You put in the same effort, but the currency you are given in exchange is, over time, worth less and less. And this is actually all just a hidden tax that also makes the Illuminati families richer still.

You have heard the talking heads on the news speak of Quantitative Easing? Well, really, this is just an acceleration of this very principal. It is a deal that they sign with themselves to produce even more currency which accelerates the devaluation of the money in your pocket. Really… it is just an ingenious way to take value from everyone else and further enrich themselves.

The third fact is that only about 10% of the currency in your wallet is created in the way outlined above. The other 90% is created by retail banks. When your salary lands in your bank account, your bank is permitted to make loans against that money. In a system called fractional reserve banking, they are allowed to loan out about 9 times as much money as they have in reserve. This would be a terribly bad idea even if what they had in reserve was real money. Like gold or silver. It is an absolutely insane idea when what they have in reserve is valueless currency! But, be that as it may, that is how it works. These retail banks don't do business with the Fed, they do business with you, the citizens of the nation. And when you go to them for a loan or an overdraft, they are allowed to loan out nine-times as much currency as is in deposit with them. Which is why, when people lose faith and go to the bank en masse to make withdrawals and to close their investments, those banks can very quickly fail. Quite simply, they hold much less currency than they have loaned out. And, if their deposits quickly drop, their business model quickly implodes.

But, as insane as this is, this is the way your banking system works. Most of the currency in circulation is created out of second-tier debt between private citizens and their banks. And of course, you also pay interest on your debts, which is yet another way in which they get richer. But you, of course, are not permitted to make debt without collat​​eral. Only the Fed is allowed to do that! And, of course, the bank doesn't need to hold anything of value to back the loan they make to you. Other than, of course, one tenth of the value in this fiction called fiat currency.

The only ones ever held to any kind of account in all of this, is you. If you don't pay back your loans exactly as stipulated, your property will be taken from you and sold. If retail banks fail, they are bailed out . Which means that the Red Shield banking system creates more fictitious currency out of thin air and gives it to these retail banks (in which the Red Shield family members usually have shares, and often controlling shares) so that they can continue. Which means that you, as a nation, again, owe the Red Shields yet more. So the banks can't fail. And neither can the Fed. Though it is a private enterprise, whatever poor, insane or self-destructive choices they make, you, the tax-payer, will pick up the tab. And the top-tier Red-Shield banks certainly can't fail either. They just make currency out of nothing and reap the ever ballooning rewards, no matter what happens.

Only the citizens of the nation can fail. Only the citizens can have their assets confiscated. Only citizen-owned businesses can be declared bankrupt.

Are you angry yet?

Perhaps you have heard a quote by a famous man of your world named Henry Ford. He said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

If you feel your anger rising, I'd like to caution you: This is how they win. Either you know nothing and they control your life through your ignorance. Or you become informed and they control you through your rage. But there is a third path. A path I am inviting you to walk. Upon this path, you become informed, but do not allow anger to pull you from your centre. And then you connect with the divine within and begin to create something better. Not out of a desire for revenge or retribution. But out of a genuine desire to see the Greatest Good made manifest. And we will be talking a great deal more about this in following conversations but there is more you need to hear and understand first. Right now, I am simply lovingly encouraging you not to give yourself over to anger, as this takes you out of your power.


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