


Spiritual questions



Dear Mr. Keshe, dear off-world entities



Thank you so much for bringing hope and light into this world.
I have been following the forum for some months now and although it seems too mindblowing to be true at first and people whom I told about this, think I am losing my mind (and yes indeed in some way I am 'losing' the veil that my mind has casted upon me and rediscovering my inner spirit), I just know that what you are saying is genuine.



If you have time, I would be very grateful if you could give some answers on following questions:



The core of all being is love and light, no duality, only One. The physicality and density of planet earth made us 'forget' who we really are. According to the karmic laws (you sow what you reap) we reincarnate into this world to learn from our past mistakes and to remember who we are again and move into a higher dimension to ultimately become one with the infinite Creator again. The Creator had given us free will in order to do this. Without free will there is no good and bad (yin and yang), thus we would not learn.

所有生靈的核心是愛和光,沒有二元分離,只有一。肉體和地球密度使我們忘記了我們是誰。依據因緣法則(因果循環)我們輪迴成肉體去學習過去的錯誤並重新記 起我們是誰並進一步到更高的維度再次與無限的造物主成為一體。造物主給予我們自由意志去做這樣的事情,沒有自由意志的話,就不會有好和壞(陰和陽),這樣 我們就不能學習了。

The human race has however been reaping so many negative seeds and it seems like the ones in power are purposefully creating division amongst us and dependency on big corporations, that it is impossible to see how we, the human race can awaken all by ourselves.


So you are here to help us to take a giant leap in humanity. Is this a correct reflection?



- Why now? Does it have something to do with the planetary alignment?


- What about our free will? Isn't it our own choice not to know?


- I thought spiritual awakening can only happen within ourselves and by ourselves. How will your technology help people to find inner peace and connect with 'All that is'? You talk about being part of the Universal community and space ship programs, but are we ready for that? Don't we need to connect with our souls first, understand and live according to the principles of the universal community?


- Is there a particular reason why the human race has not been able to overcome his physicality and reach the spirit level? Is there an opposing ET consciousness ( like the Illuminati) that is pulling the strings on planet earth (as so many conspiracy theorists claim ) which has been making our awaking more difficult? And if yes, why?


I hope to get some insight to these questions.



My sincere gratitude and love, let's hope peace will be on earth very soon!


1. - Why now? Does it have something to do with the planetary alignment?

問: 為啥是現在呢?是不是與行全球盟有關?


Not planetary, but due to situations beyond this solar system prevails that the process has to be completed and it is time to take man out of exile and into the real world of creation.


There are those whom have doubts in our work, but in the coming weeks we are going to open a great gaping hole in the knowledge of man even about his own existence and his own creation, that will change the course of life of mankind on this planet.


The Foundation course of action has to some extent changed, now that several nations have started developments and understand the physical construction of the energy and space reactors to be as receiver and not a generator which was assumed up to now, it is our time to open the doors of havens to mankind.


This change can be done in a slow and painful or sharp and to the point in one go and at once, my decision is of the second opinion.


We now started in the recent past as we did with structure of matter, to explain in the new papers the physical truth about working of the human body and creation of the man.



The first paper in this subject as we promised is ready to be loaded on the website and again we used the present knowledge as we did in the book, “The universal order of creation of matter” to teach about real physics, in these new papers we will teach about the creation and the real working of the body and not what has been accepted on present incorrect assumptions.



Thus papers from now on will be more in depth and for example the first paper is connected with what some people understand as the working of a well-known healing systems which they cannot understand how it works and for us to show how much we will add to the real knowledge of the man.


- What about our free will? Isn't it our own choice not to know?

- 自由意志怎樣?是不是我們自己去選擇不要知道?

Free-will has been yours up to now and we see the mess the man has got himself into, from now on we guide, protect and teach the correct way and see what will be the outcome.


Those who think they can intimidate, block and threat, they have to wait their turn as we release new information and in time they shall be ashamed of their letters and e-mail and threats.



We carry with us the most powerful elements and men of the world with power that our will shall be done in full.


This time and as much as we can help, we can similarly wipe-out from the pages of history all these misconducts, but it is our grace and forgiveness that we do not respond to these threats as a father has to forgive the misconduct of his child.



- I thought spiritual awakening can only happen within us and by us. How will your technology help people to find inner peace and connect with 'All that is'?

- 我想精神覺醒只能靠我們自己並從內在覺醒。你怎樣用你的技術幫助人們內心平靜,我們要先用靈魂接合?

With Abundance of wealth, and with it abundance of knowledge:
Wealth not in physical form but the truth about the creation and knowledge about the inner working of the creation and not in the physicality of the feeble men.


You talk about being part of the Universal community and space ship programs, but are we ready for that?


Yes we are making the stage ready and We have no choice about this, because now some have access to the technology and the knowledge through our teachings and their development of the technology and if we leave it as this then the class division will creep in, so we have to take it all in one go and this time.


This journey to make the man to understand with his present stone-age knowledge for him to understand the real universal knowledge in such a short span of time will be the most painful trip that the sons of Adam have ever taken and will ever take in the history of the mankind.


But there is no choice, the men abused his fellow men and now we stop the abuse with equally sharing with all the knowledge and resources of the not earth but the universe.



There are those whom want to stop this new process and want to keep the statuesque, but their feeble mind and worthless power is not a match to what is about to be released to mankind in the coming days and weeks.


The world leaders will walk away from their seats of power as they realize they have no power, and those whom have stolen and cause so much mayhem in the recent past will return by their free-will their stolen wealth back to those whom they have stolen from. But shame on them as it is so too late and Little in comparison to the wealth of the poorest man on this planet is about to recive with what we are about to give to the poor.


We have opened the wealth of the universe to every man, the physicality of gold is the dirt on the face of those whom have busied themselves on this planet with planning, killing and stealing from individuals and nations for nothing.


Don't we need to connect with our souls first, understand and live according to the principles of the universal community?

In time yes.



Is there a particular reason why the human race has not been able to overcome his physicality and reach the spirit level?
I explained this in Varna lecture that how the man has become so physically attached to physicality due to and as the physical body of the man has two parts, the main brain and the leech part, the physical body.


If the man understands the true construction of his own physicality and not the way it is done now, then the man will finds out that he does not need no eyes to see and no hand to attain nourishment from the ocean of the energy of the universe .


Is there an opposing ET consciousness (like the Illuminati) that is pulling the strings on planet earth (as so many conspiracy theorists claim) which has been making our awaking more difficult?


有壞的外星人嗎?是否有什麼特殊原因導致人類種族還沒能克服肉體障礙並達到靈魂提升?是否有些敵對的外星人意識(比如光明會)在幕後操縱地球(因為有很多陰謀論) , 導致我們很難覺醒?




In the universal community we are equal and serving, even though some of us might appear to be different as with race of the man with different cultures, so is the same in the universal family, we look totally different than the man, we do not talk and we understand each other thoughts and emotions and needs without attachment to physical part.



One point which will be strange for the man is that the man for a while will not be able to create offspring's in the universe, as the man has too much attachment in and to the physical world and he does not understand the real ways of reproduction in the universe.



One does not need to make love to create a new being, one can give equally with the energy of the soul to love and regenerate new life.


This is too far for the man to understand at this time.


And if yes, why?


They are as much ET to us as we are to them.



They love to know how we physical do things, how we regenerate, we are a mystery to them as much as they are to us.



In the encounters of the past the man was ignorant of knowledge, so he was subordinates as he thought, but was treated as equal.



In the encounters of future as we greet our fellow men to our nation with every flight nowadays, soon we will do the same with creations of the universe and vice versa.



I always tell my family, I wonder how our offspring's will fall in love with these new friends, knowing that due to our or their stronger DNA Magravs strength, there shall never be an offspring in physical term as we enjoy our lives with our children on this planet.


This does not mean that they do not have offspring’s, but our Magravs strength difference will not allow the creation of life with some of the universal family even in other dimensions.



I hope I have enlightened you.



M T Keshe


M T 凱史


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